Things To Do AFTER A Flood

· January 21, 2016 · 3:48 am



1.  Call Your Insurance Agency

-You need to get on the phone as soon as possible with your agent so the adjuster can be scheduled to come over as soon as possible to review the damage on your house.

-You agent may also be able to give you advice on where to get help for clean-up and repairs.

2. Keep Track Of All The Damage

-Take pictures, write a list of as much damage as possible and have videos of all the damage.

-You’ll need to file a “Proof of Loss” form within 60 days of the flood and this list will make it a lot easier.

3. Put A List Together For Repairs

-This will make it a lot easier and better for memory to write a whole “to-do” list after the flood. List the things that need to be taken care of.  Ex. Check to see if you need financial Assistance, call your mortgage holder…

4.Check Financial Assistance For Help

-There are numerous businesses, disaster relief  programs, insurance etc. that can help you with the coverage of a flood. Ex.

Red Cross

Non-Profit Organizations


Salvation Army etc.

These groups provide for immediate needs such as clothing, groceries, shelter, medical aid, and counseling.

So, it is important to take care of floods and help protect yourself and your family.
